I’ve just moved this website back to WordPress. I know, I know. JAMStack is the future. WordPress is slow.

The thing is, when I moved it over to Hugo, I never updated it. Even writing text only posts was just too much hassle. I haven’t done any real technical work in a few years, so the thought of running Hugo instances locally and committing to git repos just for some small updates just put me off every time.

The Twitter tailspin of 2022 has got me thinking and engaging with the indieweb community again. Big tech has got me not wanting to go anywhere near their networks any more. My curmudgeonly bloody mindedness has got me wondering why on earth I every cared about reach or likes or whatever in the first place.

I know I’m not the only one.

So here’s to hopefully posting a bunch of semi-interesting things in 2023. From my phone! In minutes!