QotD: Game On

7 September 2006

What was the last game you played?

the last game i played was the new super mario bros on my nintendo ds lite. i have played it quite a lot, since i got my ds about 2 months ago. not as much as nintendo touch golf, but a lot. the new super mario is amasing. unfortunately i cant find the charger for my ds, so i cant play any more till i find it. it is one of the main things i have managed to lose in the maze of bozes and backs still piled up all over my flat. my ds is great though. i liked my psp a lot, but it had its downsides. it was bulky, heavy, didn't have a long battery life, and th egames take ages to load. it was an expensive bit of kit that i was scared to take anywhere with me. the ds is light, the batteries last for ever, and the games load quick. and you get all the classic type game like mario, mario kart, monkeyball, sonic, etc etc, whcih i have come to realise are the games i want to play. tony hawk was fun for a while, but stupid little italian plumbers jumping about is where its at. i do feel a little guilty playing computer games though. every time i realise i have spent an hour playing nintendo, i realise i could have got through a chunk of one of the books from the mounting pile. i never seem to get round to reading much these days. weird. i used to read constantly. of course a chunk of tha was done on the bus before i had a car. god, im so settles and comfortable now. im going to b & q at the weekend, again. next it'll be two labradors and a people carrier.

not quite yet though, eh?

Tagged: game on · qotd

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland