Any regular readers of Mogwai's website will know that Barry Burns likes to sound off, and really likes to take the piss. It's generally very funny too.
This morning in my feed reader was an item posted by Barry entitled "Bitchfork: Worse than the 11th of September." The article has since disappeared from th site so I thought I'd post it for posterity (it's very funny, and not nearly as offensive as the title suggests.
I never said which 11th of September so don't be getting all upset now, kids.
Honestly though, if you like an empiricist's view of all the current news in the music-world, the Bitchfork is great. Comprehensive, all encompassing and fairly non-esoteric. But if you want to read an informed review of either a concert or a recent album then please, please, please, direct your gaze elsewhere. Direct your weary retinas to where a snotty 17-year old ex-record store virgin preppy isn't attempting to sagely write about something he /she has no knowledge about. The review section of that mincing website is beneath contempt. I can't really pinpoint it's faults exactly but every person i know says the same thing, "Great news section, I avoid the stumbling, inept reviews like Diana should have avoided that tunnel". Other members of my band, feel free to delete this high-spirited rant with gusto but for goodness sake..... avoid listening to what amounts to Ferris Bueller's opinions on what you should be listening to in order to remain cool to your pals.I just thought it needed saying. Curse the internet. Damn myself for accidentally clicking on an album review tonight.