Made it to Austin

15 March 2011

We made it to Austin last night after some delays and a mad dash through Houston Airport. Spent the night catching up with our good friend Jess and went to a Bad Veins / Ted Leo show which was good. I love Bad Veins so much and it's always one of the best things about coming to SXSW.

Our last day in New York consisted of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, the Highline, burritos and more frozen Margeritas in Greenwich Village, then seeing the Knicks at Madison Square Garden. That was really amazing. A high point. as was the Shake Shack burger we had afterwards.

The rest of our crew arrives in Austin today, but before that we have Tacos to eat, Daniel Johnston murals to see, record stores to visit and Shiner to drink.

If you're around in Austin this week, let's drink together. I'll give you a Gerry Loves Records cassette.

Bring on the madness.

Tagged: austin · holiday · new york · sxsw · travel

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland