A few words about Major Minor Music Club

3 March 2020

I’ve taken my daughter to a few Major Minor events, and was asked to write a few words about the latest one, featuring Martha Ffion.

Read at The List

“Andy Lobban (one half of Gerry Loves Records, and a father) We’ve been to a few Major Minor gigs, sometimes as a family sometimes just for a father and daughter outing. It’s great to find things to do as a family that everyone can genuinely enjoy, and this is definitely one of them. Parents can see some live music and have a very sensible drink without negotiating nights out and shared calendars. Children can run wild in a safe space, get their faces painted, put on temporary tattoos, eat donuts and play with balloons while also seeing live music.

They get to try playing drums in a place where no one cares about the racket. The lovely people who run it genuinely care about it and have fun with the kids. Sometimes the kids pay attention to the band, sometimes they don’t, but there’s no expectation to try and get them to be calm and quiet. There’s something about seeing and physically feeling people play music live that mesmerises kids if they’re in the right mood. This time my daughter and her pals mostly watched Martha Ffion and her band, sat cross legged at the front drinking Fruit Shoots. She always comes away from these gigs with a big smile on her face, asking questions about the band or the instruments or the songs. It’s a great way to expose her to small live music at a young age, and bond over something we have in common. We’ll be looking forward to the next one.”

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland