QotD: My Vox Name

3 November 2006

How did you pick your Vox name? Does it mean something? 
Submitted by LeendaDLL.  

my vox name, nonimage, is the name i use for everything i do on the internet. nonimage.co.uk was my first domain, its just a personal site now. nonimage.com is my design portfolio. then i have nonimage accounts on del.icio.us, flickr, youtube, upcoming and so on. does it mean something? well it literally means the area of a printing plate that does not pick up ink. ths means that it does not print anything onto the substrate. in simplest terms the nonimage area is the bit that would leave the paper white on a black and white print. i liked the idea of the part which does nothing beign just as important as the part which does everything. i also liked the interpretation of anti-image, where image can be fashion, public appearance etc etc. when i first needed a name for a domain, i came up with nonimage, googled around a bit and found that no one was using it heavily, and it just stuck. it is one of the few creative things that i have not got bored with. i still really like the name.

Tagged: qotd · vox name

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland