Senior Class Song

20 April 2007

From the mp3eme group:

Week 6

Did your High School forever connect your graduating class with a dopey song?
Or were you one of the lucky ones that had a kick-ass, hold your head up high tune?
If so...share it with us....including the year you graduated (by filling the blank of the post title).

If your class didn't have a senior class song...considered yourself lucky.
You can post a song from the year you graduated or that reminds you of Senior Year.

The song I heard all the time in my final year at school in our common room is from 12 years earlier. Someone had a tape of Dead Kennedys 'Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death' album, and my lasting memory is of the song 'Pull My Strings'. Well, it's either that or the other song that was used in the Great Wars of the common room stereo, but I thankfully do not own, or want to own, the trance remix of the Braveheart theme.

Another song that reminds me of that year, that more people should be exposed to is 'Dry Erase-Board Life' by Dane Stewart. We met Dane on the street in Aberdeen that year and I told him how much I loved that song and he looked petrified.

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland