Latest in: design


Love the jarring, incongruous mix of rock posters with Swiss Modernism
10 January 2012


Really enjoying the @_handstitched blog of hand made musical artifacts
10 January 2012

Belfast signs

A few signs I saw around the outside of a pub in Belfast while at Build.
3 January 2012

One for the music and letterpress nerds

Gillian Welch and David Rawlings oversee the letterpress process of their new album cover.
21 September 2011

Post-Artifact Books and Publishing — by Craig Mod

A fantastic read on the possibilities of digital books. 
13 September 2011

God Don’t Like It posters by James Kirkup

Love these poster designs for God Don't Like It shows.
29 August 2011


I just relaunched my personal site at 
13 December 2007

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland