I just relaunched my personal site at nonimage.co.uk.
I just relaunched my personal site at nonimage.co.uk.
I have just launched the blog for my company, Nonimage, over on my company site. Obviously there are not too many posts there yet, but I intend to post quality content as often as I can, mainly revolving around design, sfotware, the web, and Apple. The usual stuff, blah blah blah... If you are interested, please take a minute to visit.
I officially finish my job on Friday, so I have next week to get things sorted out and tie up some loose ends (like a proper SXSW post here), ready to start with a vengeance the week after next. I am really excited about working for myself, and I'm pretty confident about it going well, but at the same time i am (understandably, I suppose) petrified.
(Image above from the amazing Gaping Void)
Well, I'm back, and I didn't manage to post even once from the US of A. Far too drunk/tired/sleeping to think about getting on the internet. So I will be posting stuff ASAP, but I've got 2 horrible days at work on Thursday and Friday, a weekend catching up on things and writing a business plan, and then a week of horrible work. Then the next week is my first week working for Nonimage. So expect the posts around Xmas.
Edinburgh, Scotland