Latest in: st. vincent

Music I Liked In 2011

Happy new year one and all. This is just a list of some records I have really enjoyed in the last year, in no particular order. Apologies to the ones I have overlooked. Spotify …
2 January 2012

Keeping It Peel – a playlist

It's John Peel day apparently, so here's some (mostly) new music to listen to. Bjork, Strange Boys, Jeff The Brotherhood, Apparat, Girls and many more. Keeping It Peel playlist on Spotify
25 October 2011

SXSW Music

A list of bands I really enjoyed at SXSW TUESDAY Voxtrot Datarock WEDNESDAY Day Amanda Palmer Port O’Brien Heartless Bastards Titus Andronicus The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart Franz Nicolay Vivian Girls Shout …
7 April 2009

Andy Lobban

Edinburgh, Scotland